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Strength training hips

Strength training hips

May 20, 20246 min read

“Thick thighs save lives” - Unknown

Strength Training Hips

Introduction to Strength Training for Hips

I often see so many people these days with weak hips, and it breaks my heart to see how much it affects their lives.

Having strong hips is vital for the body; they are responsible for supporting the spine, balancing the upper and lower body, and movement.

Focusing on strength training those hips will lead to improved posture, less back pain, and a better quality of life. In this article, I will help you understand the benefits of hip strength training and provide an overview of hip anatomy.

4 Essential Exercises for Hip Strength

Goblet Squats

When it comes to globet squats, you mainly feel it in your thighs (qaudriceps) and booty (glutes) and party in your inner thighs (adductors). Which makes it overall a great exercise to strengthen those hips. If you're able to engage in goblet squats regularly, you'll not only build strength but also sculpt those lower body muscles, leading to improved mobility, stability, and overall fitness.


When it comes to any type of single-leg exercise, your booty muscles and thigh muscles are key factors at play. But, depending on how you perform the exercise, you will feel the other one more. If your torso remains upright, the shift of weight is to your thigh. But if you lean forward slightly, that's where you get the booty pump. With that in mind, you can control where you decide you want to grow.

Trap Bar Deadlift

The trap bar deadlift has got to be one of my favorite hip movements because it targets not only the booty but also the back of your thigh (hamstrings) and your spine (erector spine). Imagine if you could build a strong spine and strengthen those hips, giving you the ultimate skillset to pick things up pain-free.

1/4 Squats or Box Jumps

I hate to break it to you, but the reason you cannot jump is because your thigh and booty muscles aren't powerful. Which is a key factor in overall hip strength. If you can't jump, you probably can't run to the bathroom fast enough. Both require the use of those muscles I mentioned. What if one day you just jumped out of bed pain-free, feeling like you were young all because you got good at being powerful?

10 Advanced Hip Strengthening Techniques

  1. You get stronger as you recover, so if you squat 10 pounds today, you can definitely get stronger the next week by increasing the weight by 5 pounds.

  2. Sometimes lifting more weight isn't a solution, but if you just lift 2 more reps on that 10 pounds, that's an additional 20 pounds on each given set, which is pretty impressive.

  3. Maybe the sets aren't enough; it's not just hitting, but those 1-2 additional sets each week made the workout more difficult without taxing you completely.

  4. Cheeks to the grass? Ayo pause, but if you get better at uncomfortable spots that put an intense stretch on those muscles, you can recruit more strength and get stronger overall.

  5. Why are you feeling the squat in your neck? If you just perfect on feeling it more on the legs, youll be able to maximize those gains.

  6. Have you ever heard of a mom lifting a car to save her baby? Yeah, that's pretty amazing. If you just had that same effort when it came to lifting, you would recruit more of those leg muscles to make your lifts look easy.

  7. Remember the last time you had to poop and you squeezed hard? I bet that was exhausting. If you squeezed hard with each rep, it would feel like you were lifting the world. Just don't poop your pants.

  8. Remember when you finished a task a few hours earlier and you didn't think it was possible? beating your last-week score is another way to measure how strong you got.

  9. Your weight makes a big difference when you work out, and being able to lose fat and maintain the same strength is difficult, so if you can do that, it just means you're getting better.

  10. You did your 15 reps and you want to drop it, but something about doing those 3 extra reps pass failure will help with strength.

Nutrition for Optimal Hip Strength

When it comes to choosing a diet, you have to remember that genetics play a big role. So finding a diet that complements your lifestyle is key. It should boost your physical health and mental well-being, and you should be able to stick with it despite diet trends.

It should be simple enough that it takes less time to think about it. That being said, it will take some time, but that's okay. A sustainable diet will give you more long-term results than a diet trend.

Cards are bad, says everyone who doesn't lift weights. Carbs are essential for muscle growth and energy. With it, you can guarantee better results.

Track your micronutrient intake. You would be surprised at what you consume without tracking. Tracking is the best way to ensure your nutrition is on point for hip strength.

No one man or woman should have the same diet plan. It's called your life for a reason, and it should be a part of your life, not control it. The best results will come from a sustainable diet.

Food should never be in control of your life. If it is, you are doing it wrong. Set boundaries; it will prevent you from eating like a pig and create balance and consciousness when you are choosing foods and managing portions.

You control your identity. So if you identify as someone who tends to overeat, that's on you. Having control over your belief system will create more results than just saying, I eat what I see or am given.

Injury Prevention and Hip Care

An injury is like a bump in the road; you never really know when it might happen. All you can do is be ready for one. If you train these 4 movements extremely well, then when a bump in the road happens, it will be like it never happened before.

Monitoring Progress and Adjustments

I can give you a list of things that measure progress, but you probably came to this blog for one reason, and that should be your progress marker. Say you cannot get off of the toliet pain-free. Once a week time yourself to see how long it takes you to get out of the toliet. If it takes less time, that means you've gotten stronger.

Things happen all the time when we train. Sometimes we need to rest, move more for recovery, or see a doctor.

Simple rules:

  1. If it hurts, see a doctor.

  2. If it's sore, move more

  3. If you are black and blue, see a doctor.

  4. If it pops out, see a doctor.

Just see a doctor if you feel funny.

Conclusion: Enhancing Hip Strength and Mobility

Thick thighs save lives. They lead to a well rounded well functional body. Start with one of these exercises and watch how your quality of life gets better then try one more and one more until you master all 4 movements.

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